Our future is in biological therapies.

We use cutting-edge science and technology to understand and advance human biological systems in search of native biological therapies that will promote longevity and improve the lives of those who suffer from various diseases and injuries.

Skye believes the future cure for many diseases and injuries can and will be found within our native biologic make-up. Specifically, Skye Biologics is relentlessly committed to maximizing future therapeutic potential by harnessing the power of human biology to treat patients suffering from degenerative disease, damaged tissue, injury, and trauma.

Tackling a growing overspend of $100+ billion, Skye is rapidly advancing multiple future regenerative biological therapies for both surgical and non-surgical applications for all areas of the musculoskeletal system, internal tissue structures and areas where there is a high-unmet medical need with a goal of best outcomes while reducing the current costs associated with current limited treatment options all by leveraging its platform and expertise.

A biotech leader since 2010, Skye has grown to be one of the world's leading independent new age biotechnology companies, has reached hundreds of thousands of patients in the US with its existing first generation tissue platform and is developing a pipeline of biological medicines with breakaway potential for decades to come.


Imagine in the future: altering one's biology to quickly repair a tear (ACL, shoulder, bicep, etc) Imagine in the future: eliminating back and joint pain Imagine in the future: rejuvenating tissues and extending lifespan by restoring function Imagine in the future: recovering rapidly post-surgery with reduced pain and scarring


Skye’s biologic therapies: targeting the broken healing loop that occurs
in our bodies.

As one ages, the body’s ability to repair and remodel decreases. Employing innovative science, Skye is developing breakthrough therapeutics that optimize the repair process and lead to organized scar free advanced healing. Our novel approach begins with a platform of naturally advanced human biological material from which we unravel the code of complex molecules, isolating and applying them to treat a multitude of conditions. 

The body’s default repair process:

Injuries, degeneration, comorbidities or poor natural patient biology can lead to poor tissue remodeling and failed clinical outcomes.


Initial Injury


Uncontrolled Inflammation


Disorganized Tissue / Scar Tissue Formation


Risk of Failure

Imagine the “ideal repair process” when a future Skye therapeutic is introduced, restoring youthful function:

The human body has the incredible ability to repair itself to its native functional state when an effective biologic therapeutic is introduced. Reduced pain, inflammation, scaring and complications lead to better patient outcomes.


Modulate Inflammation


Collagen Scaffold


Ideal Environment


Proper Remodeling


2nd Generation: Skye Biological Theraputics

A robust pipeline leveraging state-of-the-art science focused on the pursuit of transformative therapeutics. We are dedicated and strive to accelerate to market regenerative solutions that will improve health outcomes and dramatically improve people's lives and longevity.
